
Rachel’s surname

True Friends fans will know that Rachel’s full name is Rachel Karen Greene. But how is her last name spelled? Viewers were left believing that it was spelled “Green” like the color. But an episode in a later season had everyone proven wrong!

When Ross and Emily fought over inviting Rachel to their wedding, we saw Ross about to mail an invitation to Rachel. Rachel’s surname is spelled “Greene” on the envelope with an “e.” Was this an honest mistake, or have we believed the wrong thing for decades?


Who was Ross’s first time?

Ross and Chandler have been best friends since college, and over the years, they’ve shared and protected each other’s secrets. One of these secrets is about Ross’s first time. Fans thought that Carol was Ross’s first, but that was disproved in another episode.


When the gang was exposing each others’ secrets in season 7, Chandler divulged that Ross slept with the cleaning lady at their dorm. This would have been in college, before Carol and Ross even started dating. Guess it wasn’t Carol after all!

One big family

In June of 1999, Courteney Cox, who plays Monica, got married to actor David Arquette. She decided to take on his last name, meaning the name on the credits of Friends also changed. To celebrate the marriage, the show did an adorable tribute.

Instead of just adding “Arquette” to Courteney’s name, they decided to add the name behind all the other cast members’ credits too! This switch-up may have confused many viewers. We even thought there was a glitch in our TV when we first saw it!

It’s a family affair

Remember the episode when Rachel and Joshua were at Joshua’s parents’ house because they thought his parents were away in Europe? That was such an awkward episode for Rachel because she wore lingerie to dinner. But that’s not what made the episode special.


Joshua’s parents turned up halfway through their date, and they couldn’t have been more lovely. But did you notice something familiar about Joshua’s dad? Well, that’s actually Matthew Perry’s father, John Bennett Perry! Like father like son, both are charming and handsome.

Who’s that on Rachel’s passport?

While props are essential to the believability of a show, it’s also crucial to get them accurate. Otherwise, people might have trouble believing the story. Unfortunately, this was the case in the episode where Rachel was about to fly to France.


Here, she hands her passport over to the guy at the counter at the airport. But did you notice something? It’s a “blink and you miss it” moment, but the woman on her passport is definitely not her! Whose passport did she even hand over?
