
Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 13

Google Now is one of the best and the strongest feature in any Android device. People who actually know about this feature, they use it in their day to day lives for various purposes. But most of the people just use Google Now to search their queries on the internet by voice command. They don’t know the real importance of Google Now voice search. It can do almost everything by just saying Ok Google, Do this, Do that. There are so many ways that you can try to use it. But today I have come with 12 Best ways you can use on your Google Now Voice Search. These ways are so cool and amazing that after trying them, you will fall in love with your Smartphone again.

Also Read – 30 Most Hilarious Google Search Suggestions Ever,That Will Make You LOL!


12 Best Ways You Can Use On Your Google Now Voice Search

1. Weather Updates


Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways

All you need to say is Weather on your voice search and it will provide you the latest weather conditions report of your area just in a second. You can also find out the weather of other areas by saying: weather of [area name].

2. Currency Converter

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 2

You don’t need to download any app or go into the browser to convert the currency. Just say Ok Google and convert one currency to another.

3. Define Any Word


Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 3

Google Now has everything inside it. You don’t need to search a word on your browser. With voice search option you can easily get the definition of any word.

4. Set Alarm


Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 4

Set your alarm by saying correct am or pm time, so that Google Now can easily understand you. For example, say set alarm at 4 pm.

5. Check Your Mails

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 5

Just command Google Now to show your emails. It will hardly take 1 or 2 seconds to open your emails.

6. Check Pictures

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 6

Check out the pictures of anything, anytime and anywhere by just saying Ok Google show me the pictures of [anything you want to see]

7. Open WiFi And Bluetooth

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 7

You can also open and shut down your Bluetooth and WiFi with Google Now Voice Search on your Android device.

8. Check Time Difference Between Countries

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways

Google Now will also tell you about the time difference between the two countries.

9. Ask directions

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 9

If you are looking for directions on the map and tired of writing the name of the places just give the command to Google Now voice search and tell it to give you the directions of the place you want.

10. Open Any App

 Search With 12 Best Ways 10

You can open any app with Google Now feature by just saying Ok Google open this app.

11. Ask Me Anything

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 11

You can ask anything to Google Now like where is Taj Mahal, name of the strongest person in the world, almost everything.

12. Make A Call

Use Your Google Now Voice Search With 12 Best Ways 12

Just pick the name of the person you want to call on Google Now and it will call him immediately.

Also Read – Here’s What Happens Every 60 Seconds On Internet

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