
Best Linux Gaming Websites Gaming on Linux has gained popularity over time. Lots of us love games and Linux offers a variety of great games. In this article, I have put together some of the best Linux gaming websites that I could find out about in the unique world of Linux gaming.

1. Gaming on Linux

There are interesting regular updates on this site and due to their immense hard work to support Linux gaming world, they are our favorites on the list. The gaming on Linux site is very active and they have regular updates covering the latest news about upcoming games, reviews and lots more. Gaming on Linux

2. Boiling steam

Boiling steam is a notable site in regards to content on Linux gaming with their unique caption “PC” gaming on Linux is so tomorrow” I guess you can tell how devoted they are when it comes to Linux gaming just by looking at that sweet caption. Boiling steam, however, it is not affiliated to the valve software’s steam platform. On the other hand, they focus on covering the world of PC Linux game and related steam machines launched in November 2015.

Boiling steam

3. Linux game consortium

The Linux game consortium has worked hard on keeping up to date with the latest content available. The guys aim at maintaining the foundation of the Linux community and the gamers. They provide the attest gaming news and reviews and information posts. Linux game consortium also aims at increasing user preference of Linux games and also to have new converts to venture into the explorable world of Linux gaming.


Linux game consortium

4. Linuxgamecast

This website is more of the game webcasting genre. Much as it focuses on Linux gaming. Its aim’s to provide quality Linux game info, news, reviews, updates, etc. They love to know the thoughts of Linux gamers and Linux game developers and all that fans have to say. They have a great captivating and hilarious way of announcing gaming news. Check out one from September 11th.



5. Linux game database

The Linux game database or the rather LGDB greatly focuses on Linux games that are past the planning stages and they have released more than tech demos, as source code or binary files. Their database is available to browse. You can apply different filters to get the games you specifically want. LGDB gets information about a game from its website mostly and after the games are carefully grouped and categorized. Also, they are showcased with various screenshots and videos and that is a good way to get a sneek peek into the game you want. Games are also ranked and ranking is based on user votes and popularity. The popularity being based on the total sum of visits to the games page for previous 3 days.

Linux game database

6. GamersonLinux

This is also another cool site for Linux gaming. They also work towards bettering the world of Linux gaming. Their forum particularly, is loaded with a plethora of information such as guides, news, reviews etc.


7. Rootgamer

Rootgamer is a Linux gaming website focused on creating awareness of the fast growing community of Linux gamers. The site was developed by Linux users and it was launched in 2012. They are focused on the Linux platform be, it guides, news, reviews etc.


8. Playdeb 2

Playdeb is a unique Linux gaming site that is particularly pointed towards Ubuntu gamers. This doesn’t necessarily rule out the possibility of playing games on other Linux flavors. Their goal is to provide the latest open source and freeware games for current Ubuntu Linux release. They provide the latest versions and also new games. In this way, gamers don’t need to wait for the official release since new game versions can be downloaded as soon as they become available from their authors.


Playdeb 2

9. PenguSpy

Penguspy, created by Kostas Mavropalias is a Linux gaming site dedicated to raising awareness in regards to Linux as a gaming platform. Thik of penguspy as a contribution to the Linux world from Kostas who is a professional designer and developer.


10. Steamdb-Linux

Much as this website isn’t solely focused on Linux gaming, we can’t ignore the fact that they are updated about news on steam supported games. In fact, they also have a section called “products” that have hints of Linux support. Where users can confirm a game to be reported working via Github or Freenode IRC (channel #steandb or #steamlug). If at least 5 people press the “it works” button on a game, then a pull request is created automatically.



For any feedback you may wish to give, or if you wish to add anything else that we’ve missed, please do in our comment section below. Always delighted to hear from you.
