
Alternatives Search Engines

All the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask, Baidu, Yandex and Bing) track your search history and show more relevant results to you. If you’re being tracked that means your personal details in danger. Therefore, you can use Google alternative search engines that respect your privacy.

Well, Google has now encrypted, but it only prevents third parties from snooping your search results. And Google still tracks your search history.


Must Read: Alternatives To Google: 5 Best Alternatives Search Engines


5 Best Anonymous Search Engines

1. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is my personal favorite search engines, when we talk about privacy. Its most popular search engine for the privacy over Google. According to DuckDuckGo privacy page, it doesn’t use cookies to track you and also discards the IP address and user agents from its server logs. Searching anything on DuckDuckGo is completely anonymous. DuckDuckGo is also available in Tor browser.


2. Startpage

If you more prefer Google results and want more privacy – Startpage may be your first choice. It is owned by Ixquick. When you something search on Startpage, it sends request to Google server and show result next to you. Google sees a huge amount of search results from “Ixquick (Startpage)” server – so, they can’t track your result or tie any searches.

Startpage discards your all personal information, also discards IP address, and it doesn’t keep your search records like Google. Startpage doesn’t use any cookies.


3. Ixquick

Ixquick is the main search engine that runs the Startpage. The homepage of Ixquick and Startpage have very similar. It also collects search data from Google. And it has same privacy features Startpage does.



4. Disconnect

Disconnect is another best and my favorite search engines – I personally use this search engines sometimes. It gathers data from all major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo. It encrypts your searches when you search any queries. It never revels your IP address and doesn’t use cookies, therefore your results are anonymous.

disconnect search

5. Qwant

Qwant was launched in 2013, Qwant is a search engine that allows you to search web results, videos, images, social network and news. Qwant is a search engine that respects your privacy. It doesn’t filter internet content and nor to track its users.



Also Read: 15 Amazing Hidden Features Of Google Search You Probably Don’t Know

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