
Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure 6

Safety and security are important for every person in these days. No one can guarantee that what would happen next, either it’s good or bad. Anything can happen anywhere. We don’t know the future, so we can’t see it. But we can prepare ourselves for any situation. Android Phone: used for so many purposes like calling, gaming, being social and almost everything. But do you know it can be your bodyguard too?? Not really, but yeah, there are so many apps on android that can help you to let others know where you are and what problem you are facing. So today I am going to tell you about Top 5 Best Android Apps for the sake of your security. These apps are really cool, useful and helpful in offensive situations.

May be you are using these kind of apps. But the people who don’t know about these apps, they should have to check them and download it for their benefit. Apps are so many but these 5 are best from my opinion.


Top 5 Best Android Apps


1. VithU App

Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure 5

When you are in emergency, may be you won’t get time to dial any number you want. But with this application in your android phone will let you skip through number punching and allow you to press your power button twice. By doing this, app will send SOS alerts to your contacts which you have been selected at the time after app installation. These SOS alerts will deliver to your contacts again and again in the interval of every 2 minutes according to your location.

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2. SOS StaySafe App


Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure 3

If you have this app in your android device, all you need to do is just shake your phone and SOS alerts gets activated. After that an emergency message will send to your family and friends to the contacts you have selected. This app also records the voice just after you shake your device. Other things like location, battery also deliver to the contacts.

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3. bSafe – Personal Safety App

Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure

This application is actually just not an emergency app, it is basically designed to keep in touch with your contacts all day. It have so many features like GPS trace system which will let your friends to track down your current location. This app ensure everyday safety and it has some good things which is necessary for real emergencies.

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4. Circle of 6 App

Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure 2

As the name suggests, this app works with the collection of 6 friends in it. You have to set the 6 close contacts of yours so that alerts can go to them when you are in the strange environment and also want to share your location with your circle of 6 important members. One cool thing about this app is that it can contact authorities dealing with that offensive situations.

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5. Life 360 Family Locator App

Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure 4

This is one of the best app among this list. I can say that it’s my favorite one. The reason behind is that it has all the features of the apps I mentioned before instead of one app which is bsafe. You can create circles in it, you can add people in it. You can always track all your friends, family and close ones. You can examine locations on confidential map. You can send alert and your current location to your circle members at anytime from anywhere.

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So these were my Top 5 Best Android Apps for Safety. These apps are life saviour apps. You can use them in medical emergency, accidents, kidnaps, crime scene, almost in every situation where the danger is, because danger never comes with an alert. Your security is in your hands. Use these apps to be safe and share them with others whom you want safe as well.
