
Android Apps On Linux Operating System 6

Linux is one of the major and free operating systems used by Hackers. It is used by professionals because it provides an open source platform and many operating systems are built upon it. But still, so many PC users used it as a dual boot on their system. I had written the article that why people should switch to Linux from windows. In case you missed that article, click here. You can do hundreds of things on your Linux OS. One of them is running Android apps on it. This article is actually for the Android users because Android is also the major software platform for Smartphones. So if you want to run your favorite and Amazing Android Apps on Linux, just follow the steps below.

How To Run Android Apps On Linux Operating System

1. First of all download Google Chrome on your Linux PC because if you want to run an Android App on it you need an extension of Google Chrome for that.


Android Apps On Linux Operating System

2. While Installing chrome, you will need to enter the sudo password, enter that and let the process complete.


3. After installation, download ARChon on Linux. You can download it from here – 32 bit or 64 bit.

4. When the download is complete, extract the file in the folder where it has been downloaded. You can find the file in the File manager > Download Folder.

5. After the extraction of the file, just make a new folder named Archon, put the extracted file in it and move it to the Home Directory. You can do that by right clicking on the folder and tap on Move to Home.

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6. Now you need to restart the Google Chrome. Open the menu from the top right corner and there click on More tools and Select Extensions.


Also Read – 5 Valid Reasons Why Hackers Use Linux Operating Systems And Not Others

7. In Extensions window, just tick the developer mode and then click on the Load Unpacked Extension. It will open the pop up window to your Home and there you can select Archon. You will see the new Archon extension on your Chrome browser. Close the Google Chrome now.


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8. Now leave the PC and get your Smartphone. Install ARChon Packager on your Android Device. It will help you to make Apk files of any apps you want to run on your Linux computer.

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9. After creating Apk files, transfer them to your Linux Computer from Android File Manager.

10. Now extract each and every Apk file that you have stored on your PC.

11. Open Google Chrome > Menu > Extensions > Load Unpacked Extension > Extracted Apps and there, it will navigate you to the apps you have extracted before. Select them all and open.

12. That’s all. Just restart the browser and open the Labelled Apps icon from the top left corner. Now run any application you want from there.

Android Apps On Linux Operating System 5

Also Read – Top 5 Best Android Emulators For Your PC, Mac Or Linux: Must Try Them

Your Queries are most welcome. If you will face any problem while using this method, let us know by leaving a comment below. Don’t forget to share the article.
