
Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone 4

I love my phone. I’m sure you also love your phone too. Your Smartphone is the thing you can’t ignore. Whenever you awake, you check your phone. You use it the whole day for hundreds of purposes. Whenever you go to sleep, you check it again. I mean Smartphone is a very important part of our day to day lives. May be you can’t imagine your one day without your phone. Either it’s a high end phone or the cheaper smartphone, either it’s iOS or Android, people care for their devices and their data inside it. But what if you lost your smartphone. After so many cautions, you still lost your phone. What you gonna do now? So today I am going tell you about the Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone. These Smartphone apps are really Amazing and helpful.

These apps are for all the people who just don’t want to lose their smartphone. But I especially recommend these apps to the people who are owning High end Smartphones. Your phone will not give you an alert before it will get lost somewhere. But if these apps will have installed on your phone, there are 90% chances your phone will give you its location with an alert. So what are you waiting for? Check out these Amazing Top 5 Apps that can track your Smartphone, in case you lose it.


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Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone

1. Where’s my Droid

Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone

If you lost your smartphone and it is on silent mode, you can use this app to set it on ring mode. All you have to do is just send the ring recognition word to your phone which you have saved in the app after installation. This app will also help you to track your phone with Google Maps. And if in case your phone is switched off, its number has been changed, this app will use its GPS flare feature to give you the last location of your device by sending an alert message.

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2. Cerberus Anti Theft

Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone 2

This app provides 3 protection methods

  • You can control your device via Cerberus’ website.
  • You can remote control your device through SMS from another phone.
  • It will give you automatic alerts.

Also, this app will help you to lock your device with the security code. This app can be used for one week free trial. After that you have to pay for it to continue. But it’s worth to buy this app.

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Also Read – Top 5 Best Android Apps to Help You Keep Yourself Safe and Secure

3. Lost Android

 Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone 3

It works same as the above app. You can remote control your lost device via a website or SMS from another device. But one feature which is different is that you can use it to erase your memory card, it will give the exact location of the device with the help of GPS. Results is that GPS will turn on all the app settings, alarms, set ring mode on, give battery status and IMEI number.

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4. Android Device Manager

 Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone 7

This app will only work if your device is connected to the internet and to your Google account. It’s an official app recommended by the Android. You can lock your phone, track it down, and erase all data with this app.

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5. Find My iPhone

Top 5 Best Apps You Can Use To Track Your Lost Smartphone 6 

As the name suggests, this app will only work on the iPhone. Apple knows the value of its product, so they pre-installed this app on the iPhone. If you are an iPhone user, all you have to do is  Settings –> iCloud –> Find My iPhone. The app will be activated.

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There are many more tracking apps available on Google Play and App Store. But I found these 5 the best ones. So if you don’t want to lose your phone and your precious data in it. Just download and try these apps. May be one day one of these apps will save your phone from losing. So if you really found this article helpful, please Share it and aware others with these amazing apps. You can share your experience by commenting in the comment box below. Follow techxerl on twitter and Subscribe us for latest updates.
