

The snow is a special tool. You can do many things with the cold, wet stuff, from making statues to having snowball fights. There is a limitless possibility of what you can achieve. Open your mind, put on some mittens, and get to work!

This person has made a “cute snowman.” We mean, we can all see the snowman part of that, but as far as calling it “cute,” well… we’re glad the person did what made them happy. Even if it’s giving the rest of us nightmares.


Baby shark?

One of the things that made our childhood interesting was cartoons. We have watched so many, and they have contributed to our imaginations. It is even safe to say some of us adults, like us, still watch cartoons (hello, Rick and Morty).


One of the trending songs right now is “Baby Shark.” It’s about a cute little shark with an exciting story, and it has a few different animated versions on YouTube. You can imagine our surprise when we came across this spectacular replica.


Since we get most of our mail electronically these days, our mailboxes are almost always only filled with junk we don’t want. Menus, advertisements from local businesses, the one utility bill from the company that hasn’t gone paperless yet – who wants all that?

This smart little girl has found a way to keep the mailman from bringing this “spam mail,” or any mail at all, for that matter. This snowman is sure to scare away any unwanted visitors. We like it and will recommend it. 

Not a snowman

We humans like to feel that we’re superior to all other creatures and even to each other. The way some people carry their shoulders high and look down on every other person can be pretty annoying. But some people make life so much better, like this guy.



He is the real MVP. This image is proof that other creatures are also waking up to superintelligence. Snowman here is busy with his business partners, so let’s keep it down while he works his business magic over there.

2021 snowman

It is nice to kick back sometimes and just relax. Life is already stressful, and it is up to us to take time out to chill and have some fun. If you’re not giving yourself any time off, then you should learn from the best.


This guy right here is the best. Mr. Snowman is literally the chilliest dude we know. He doesn’t like stress, and he sure knows how to have a good time. We love the way is always laid back with zero worries and his drank.
