We had published articles regarding Hacking WiFi and after that, we are receiving so many messages and comments from our subscribers and readers that is it possible to hack WhatsApp and Telegram? The answer is YES! Also, we have published one article regarding how you can secure your WhatsApp account. In case you missed that article, Click Here. But today I am going to tell you one method which you can use to Hack WhatsApp and Telegram. You can hack both the popular Apps with this Amazing method. Researchers mentioned that with the use of known Telecom Flaw, it is easy to Hack WhatsApp And Telegram. Because both the apps are end to end encrypted and both suffer from hardware side vulnerability. So read the description below to know more about this method.
Also Read – How To Hack WiFi With WIFIPHISHER: Best Tool To Hack WiFi
How To Hack WhatsApp And Telegram By Using SS7 Flaw
It is well known since 2008 that SS7 is vulnerable to hacking. It is the technology used by the telecom operators. Telephone calls and highly secure messaging system rely on Signalling System 7. It developed in 1975 and its main purpose is to perform local number portability, number translation, prepaid billing, SMS, etc.
We have the 2 videos here in which you will see how researchers actually managed to hack Telegram and WhatsApp by using SS7 flaw.
Telegram Hack
WhatsApp Hack
So from the above videos, you will see that how easily you can hack both the apps. The most horrific part of the hack is that hacker not only see the message but can also send the message to anyone on the behalf of the victim.
Note: This article is just for the knowledge purpose. Don’t use it to harm someone’s account.
Also Read – 4 Awesome WhatsApp Tricks You Should Know About
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