
Raspberry Alternatives

Raspberry Pi is a series of single-board computers that are preferred for their simple design and portable design. The affordable cost makes them even more appealing. Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 2 and the Raspberry Pi Model B are some of the popular models of Raspberry single-board computers. Raspberry Pi 2 is the improved form of the basic Raspberry Pi model. The Raspberry Pi Model B is the latest generation of Raspberry Pi with 1 GB or RAM, 900 MHz processor, camera, Ethernet port, SD card slot, camera, a full HDMI port, micro SD and various display interfaces.  However, there are some great Raspberry Alternatives available in the market. They offer you enhanced features such as faster processors and high RAM. It can be extremely difficult to choose the best Raspberry Alternatives because of the availability of lots of models.

Best Raspberry Alternatives

1. BeagleBone Black ($30)

beaglebone black

Beagle Bone Black promises a lot with 4 GB of onboard storage, 512 MB of RAM, 1 GHz processor mini-HDMI port and 3D graphic accelerator. The developers claim that it can boot Linux in less than 10 seconds. One of the main factors that make it better than Raspberry Pi is the onboard storage. In the case of Raspberry Pi, an SD card is required to store data.


2. ODROID-C1+ ($48)


ODROID C1+ is one of the best onboard computers that you can get at this cost. It is extremely powerful and versatile that can run almost everything from Ubuntu to Debian and ARCHLinux to OpenELEC. It packs a punch in spite of the small size, thanks to the combination of 1 GB of RAM and 1.5 GHz quad-core processor.


3.   UDOO Dual Basic ($99)

UDOO Dual Basic

Little board with lots of features and decent power is probably the best way to define UNDOO Dual Basic. It derives its power from 1 GB of RAM and 1 GHz processor. It offers two micro-USB ports, HDMI output, audio and mic ports and an onboard micro-SD card reader that makes it a great board.

4.  Radxa Rock2 Square ($100)

Radxa Rock2 Square

Radxa Rock2 Square is a great option for those who miss the power in Raspberry Pi. It offers an extremely powerful quad-core processor with 4 GB of RAM. It is fully compatible with 2.5″ SATA hard drive to provide you lots of storage space.

5. NanoPC-T1 ($67)

NanoPC-T1 is an ideal choice of board for someone looking for a nice compact board in a limited budget. In spite of the low cost, it gives you everything with three USB ports, an audio port, 8 GB of onboard storage, an SD card slot an Ethernet port and supports Android as well as Android.  The combination of 1.5 GHz Samsung quad-core processor and 1 GB of RAM makes it a good choice at low cost.

6.      MinnowBoard MAX ($140)

MinnowBoard MAX is available with 2 GB or RAM at $140 with 1.33 GHz dual-core processor. You will not miss anything with two USB ports, Intel graphics with HDMI out and a micro SD port with connectivity option for an SATA2 hard drive.


7.      ODROID-XU4 ($120)

ODROID-XU4 is a delight for the users who desire power. It can give you double the power that you can get with Raspberry Pi. The extreme power comes from 2 GHz eight-core processor.
