
Double Rachel

Courteney Cox wasn’t the only actor on the show with a body double. Jennifer Aniston also had one. And, just as was the case with Courteney’s double, they failed to properly remove the double from the shot! Did you clock this one?

In season 9, we switch shots and see that they had replaced Jen Aniston with another person! Did you realize this? They didn’t even try to get the double to wear the same clothes in this shot. Maybe this is the woman whose picture was in Rachel’s passport!


The hole in the wall

Because Friends was a sitcom that aired in the ‘90s, it was presented in the 4:3 aspect ratio of most TV screens in those days. However, as televisions increased in size and display quality, viewers began to see set secrets which they once cut out because of the old aspect ratio.


In today’s age, where televisions display an aspect ratio of 16:9, we see a complete view of what was on set. As we can see here, there’s a random hole in Joey and Chandler’s apartment wall, which was never seen before!

Monica’s boxes

The following detail is only for the sharp-eyed to see in the episode where Joey is cast as Al Pacino’s body double. As Joey shoots his scene, you can see a pile of boxes behind the director on the set. One of them reads “Monica’s.”

How this box made its way here is beyond us. This seems to be the box ruined by the flood when Ross and Monica went back home to gather their stuff from their parents’ home. What was this box doing here?

The laundry photo

Who can forget the episode where Joey desperately tries to get his picture on the wall of his local laundry? He got into a heated argument with the dry cleaner, fighting for his place on the wall of fame, even mentioning the movie Air Force One.


The dry cleaner claimed that he had never seen the film. Here’s what’s meta about this—the actor who played the dry cleaner was also an actor on Air Force One! His name is Ilia Volok, a Ukrainian actor who has appeared in many more films.

Casual cameos

Friends has seen its fair share of cameos. The star-studded cast has worked alongside Hollywood A-listers of the time. Everyone from Julia Roberts, and Reese Witherspoon, to Bruce Willis has guest-starred on Friends at some point. (We love you, Bruce!)


Sometimes the cameos would somehow be related to the characters and wholly unacknowledged. For example, we know that Ross and Joey were massive Die Hard fans. However, nobody batted an eye when Bruce Willis acted as Elizabeth’s dad in the show.
