
twitter search tricks

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks and micro-blogging platform, there are more than 2,000 new tweets posted in every second. When you search something specific on twitter then sometimes you got frustrated with a lot of search results.

If you want to get more accurate twitter search results, you need to learn best strategies for finding the right contents.  In this article we will reveled best Twitter search tips and tricks.


twitter search

How to Search Something on Twitter Like a Pro

Here is a list of best Twitter search operators that can help you find more accurate searches on Twitter.



This query will show you all tweets which are sent by a unique Twitter user.

to:BrackObama –filter:links

All the tweets sent to @BrackObama but doesn’t contain any links.


elections list:Time/time-staff

This query will search tweets from Twitter users who are part of a specific twitter list.

Advertisements min_favs:100

This query will show tweets containing YouTube videos that are favorited by at least 100 users.

earthquake min_retweets:10

This query will show tweets that have been retweeted at least 10 times.

iPhone near:NY with:10mi

Tweets sent by users within 10 mile radius of New York that contains iPhone.

#Emmys filter:images

This query will show tweets about a particular hashtag (#) but that contains images.

Barack Obama filter:images

This query will show only tweets that mention a keyword and contain links to news websites.

from:john to:peter –RT

Tweets from a user @John that @mention user @peter but exclude retweets

family games filter:safe

This will show tweets containing adult or potentially sensitive content.

#foodrecipe lang:en

This will show tweets sent in particular language (en = English).

iPhone Reviews since:2016-10-01 until:2016-10-19

You will find Tweets sent in a particular time range with this query.

YouTube good OR amazing OR awesome Filter:links

This query will show tweets that contains YouTube videos that are described good, awesome or amazing.

music concert filter:native_video

This query will show tweets containing native videos (uploaded inside tweet).

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