
Twitter Has Vanished 125,000 Accounts Of ISIS To Fight Against Terrorism

Terrorists are using the online campaigns to make their strategies to harm innocent people. But recently a well-known social website we called Twitter came out with a result to stop terrorists’ online activities. This US based company announced that they have deleted 125,000 terrorism account which may be related to Islamic State group mainly known as ISIS.

“We condemn the use of Twitter to promote terrorism,” it said, adding that it had increased its report reviewing teams to react faster.


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There are 500 million users on the Twitter. It is for the very first time twitter actually revealed the scale at which terrorists or we can say suspected terrorists were using their accounts. An official tweet from the company said that they have currently deleted the 125,000 accounts since mid-2k15. They have also mentioned that they will continue this step to fight against online extremism.

Twitter said in its statement that there are no amazing and magical algorithm to identify terrorist on the online platform. They took this challenge on the behalf of guidance and limited information. A company’s representative also said ““We have already seen results, including an increase in account suspensions and this type of activity shifting off of Twitter,”.

Well done Twitter, Keep it up and keep fighting terrorism.
