With more than 700 million monthly active members, WhatsApp has an enormous volume of personal information being communicated. WhatsApp chats are more than just simple texts. We share photos, videos, bank account details, contacts and what not on WhatsApp. However; the server has very little security and hence can be hacked very easily. Many WhatsApp hacks came and developers deprecated them for enhanced security. In our last article, we talked about the WhatsApp hacking like how hacker hacks WhatsApp with so many hacking tools and its actually a big problem for users. So for that today we are gonna tell you about some security features which can help you WhatsApp Account Safe and Secure from the hackers.
WhatsApp uses MAC (Media access control) address as one of the security features. According to WhatsApp specifications, one account can be used on one device only so if the user successfully logins to one account on another device then it logs out from previous device automatically. In order to access one account on two different phones, MAC address of both the devices must be same. Each WhatsApp account is associated with unique MAC address as a password. If anyone changes his/her device(MAC address also changes), they are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp account.
Therefore, it is advised to never ever share your Mac address with anyone. Furthermore, if you believe locking your WhatsApp with password, makes it secure then you are wrong. Even after locking WhatsApp with Applock, one can read all your chats easily. All they need is access to your device for a minute. WhatsApp takes daily backup of all your conversation and if someone gets the backup using the file manager and then send it to another device using Bluetooth, they can easily read the chat after extracting it. Block access to the file manager and lock the play store and settings as well and make sure you don’t allow installation from an unknown source by going to setting > device security.
Also, never share your IMEI number and avoid keeping your phone out at places where it can be accessible to others. Once the user has your IMEI number, he or she can easily hack your device and read all your messages. Each and every device’s WhatsApp account is associated with the IMEI number as the password so whenever anyone changes her/his device, WhatsApp sends the notification and asks to re-verify the account.
Generally, you should avoid using Wi-Fi for WhatsApp, if and whenever it is possible. Android and Apple devices that use WhatsApp do not have any security. It is Blackberry devices that are extremely safe as they use their own server, while others use the WhatsApp server. In a situation, where you do not have an internet connection and Wi-Fi is the only option, use the Wi-Fi network and then ensure that you go to Settings-Chat-Settings-Clear All Conversations. Yes, you will lose all the messages, but this will help your data free from being accessible to anyone else. Always do this as a habit. All the media files will be saved on your phone, so you aren’t losing any of your media file data.
So let us know if you guys have any issues regarding WhatsApp hacking or about some other app. We will surely respond.