
Giant boarding pass

We struggled to comprehend how bizarre this image is until we read the backstory online. Apparently, this guy was on his way to his bachelor party in Prague, and his friends printed out his boarding pass this big as a joke!

Isn’t that the whole point of a bachelor party — to get blindly drunk and shame the groom to some degree? We’re willing to bet that this boarding pass is just the first in a series of pranks that this group of guys planned.



You know those couples in their honeymoon stages that just can’t take their eyes and hands off each other? This is probably what happens when they’re separated on a flight. They find ways to still be in each other’s space.


This is probably ideal for both parties. She gets to stretch her legs and still have her boyfriend somewhat cuddling her. He gets to partially cuddle his girlfriend, too. The party that’s at a disadvantage is everyone else on the plane that has to see it.

Casually shucking

Airlines do well to ensure that you have everything you need onboard such as meals, drinks, snacks, blankets, safety equipment, and entertainment. You really don’t have to do much or bring many items on board other than yourself and your belongings.

We’re guessing that the services that the airline provides aren’t enough for this lady here. She brought a whole ear of corn and casually shucked it during the flight! We wonder what she did with it next. Eat it raw?

Short girl perks

A lot of people dream of being taller than they actually are, but when it comes to flights, sometimes shorter is better. Shorter people have much more legroom, and when they need to, they can stretch out their legs like this.


On the contrary, taller people usually need to sit in the aisle seat, which means they can’t lean their head on the window when they sleep. They also have much less leg space and wouldn’t be able to stretch out this way.

Selfish travelers

The stress of traveling is heightened during this pandemic. People are constantly worried that going anywhere is going to put them at higher risk of catching covid. The least we can do as human beings is to be considerate and think of others.


If you’re feeling unwell, don’t get on a plane. If you have covid, don’t leave the house! These people are putting so many lives at risk out of their own selfishness. What is so hard about staying home and isolating until you’re cleared to leave?
